Da Bruno


Information on Supplier Requirements


The management of Da Bruno Ristorante, through this document, wishes to inform you that we have an implemented quality management system certified according to the UNEEN-ISO 9001:2015 standard. In accordance with this, we inform you, as our supplier, of the following matters:


Adhering to our purchasing protocol and meeting standard requirements, we subject all our suppliers to a selection, monitoring, and re-evaluation process. Therefore, any incidents received will be taken into consideration and dealt with accordingly.


For the initial selection or approval of suppliers, the following aspects are considered:

– Favorable external references.

– Various requests for quotations, and their subsequent study and comparison.

– Certifications of products and/or management systems.

– History of proper functioning with us.


All approved suppliers undergo the following monitoring:

1) Continuous monitoring, so that any incidents that occur when placing an order (e.g., delays, damaged products, etc.) are recorded in our list of incidents.

2) Annual monitoring, during which a meeting with the purchasing manager takes place, and an annual evaluation of our suppliers is conducted, considering: incidents that have arisen throughout the year, compliance with the specified requirements in our purchasing documents (quality and deadlines), treatment, friendliness in the relationship; flexibility to changes; compliance with unspecified requirements (our expectations); price.


In addition to informing you about our purchasing process, we take this opportunity to remind you of some issues that are of our requirement if you are a supplier of food products:

  • The products must match both in quality and quantity with the requested ones.
  • Orders must arrive in perfect hygiene conditions, packaged, labeled, and refrigerated or frozen when the product requires it.
  • Expiry dates must be correct and have the necessary expiration margin.
  • The truck transporting the food must be in perfect hygiene conditions.
  • You will supply and deliver orders to our establishment(s) at the specified times. Failure to attend within that timeframe may result in non-reception of the order on our part.
  • Along with the order, the delivery note and other required documents must be provided.
  • The delivery note must include the lot and expiration date of the delivered product.


All these items will be verified with each order receipt, and we will not accept the product if any of these instructions are not met.


We appreciate your understanding and request that you return this document signed as proof that you have understood these requirements.


Signed: Bruno Filippone

December 20, 2023